Doug Clure - The Players: England
Arthur Hayes - The Players: Scotland
Erik Ball - Allied Soccer Player - The Players: Denmark
Tony Lewis - Allied Goalkeeper - The Players: Ireland
Mueller, Coach - The Germans
Kommandant - The Germans
Schmidt - Goalie - The Germans
Lutz - The Germans
Player - The Germans
Lang - The Germans
Propaganda Civilian - The Germans
Strauss - The Germans
Baumann, Team Captain - The Germans
Andre - The French
Jean Paul - The French
Claude - The French
Georges - The French
Viktor - The French
Renee - The French
Rose - The English
Shurlock - The English
The Forger - The English
Pyrie - The English
Farrell - The English
Williams - The English
Colonel Waldron - The English
German - Chief Commentator - The Commentators
German - The Commentators
Italian - The Commentators
French - The Commentators
German Team Player
Fan in Front Row
Renée's Son
Match Referee