Joseph Pilato بازیگر سینما و تلویزیون است. وی سال 1327 چشم به جهان گشود. از مهمترین آثار Joseph Pilato میتوان به بازیگری در فیلم Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn، فیلم The Demolitionist و فیلم Parasites اشاره کرد.
Joseph Pilato نخستین بار در سینما حضور یافته و سال 1364 در 37 سالگی در فیلم روز مردگان به کارگردانی George A. Romero بازی کرده است. گرچه موفقیت این اثر نسبت به آثار شاخص بعدیش مانند فیلم Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn، بیشتر نبود اما تجربه خوبی برای Joseph Pilato محسوب میشود و همکاری با هنرمندانی همچون Lori Cardille، Terry Alexander، Jarlath Conroy و Anthony Dileo Jr. را تجربه کرد.
Joseph Pilato در سال 1394 دورهی پرتلاشی را در عرصه سینما و تلویزیون گذراند و در اثر مهمی بازی کرده است. اثر مهم Joseph Pilato در این سال، بازیگری در فیلم Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn محسوب میشود.
Joseph Pilato سال 1394 در 67 سالگی در فیلم Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn نقش مهمی بازی کرده است که توانست با مهارت خود، آن نقش و همچنین خودش را میان مخاطبان سینما مطرح کند. Joseph Pilato توانست با بازی در فیلم Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn تجربه بازیگری موفقی برای خود رقم بزند و همکاری در کنار بازیگرانی نظیر Gus Malliarodakis، Danielle Harris، Bill Moseley و Tony Todd بر تجارب او افزود.
Joseph Pilato علاوهبر فیلم Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn، سال 1374 در 47 سالگی در فیلم The Demolitionist نیز بازی کرده است. Joseph Pilato اینبار با Robert Kurtzman یعنی کارگردان فیلم The Demolitionist و هنرمندانی چون Nicole Eggert، Bruce Abbott، Susan Tyrrell و Peter Jason همکاری داشت.
در این سالها Joseph Pilato با هنرمندان بسیاری تجربهی کار داشته است اما جالب است بدانید که در میان بازیگران Silvia Spross با 2 مرتبه بیشترین همکاری را با Joseph Pilato داشته است.
در مجموع در کارنامه 69 ساله و بیوگرافی Joseph Pilato آثار مهمی وجود دارد. اگر میخواهید با بیوگرافی Joseph Pilato و زندگی حرفهای و آثار او بیشتر آشنا شوید، حتما به صفحه هر یک از آثار Joseph Pilato در منظوم سر بزنید. همه 5 اثر مهم Joseph Pilato در منظوم یک پروفایل اختصاصی دارند که اطلاعات کامل معرفی آنها تهیه شده است. امتیازی که هر یک از آثار Joseph Pilato در منظوم دارند، نمره و امتیازی است که مردم از یک تا ده به آنها دادهاند. در واقع هر چقدر Joseph Pilato در آثار ارزشمندتری بازی کرده باشد، توانسته نمرهی بیشتری از سوی مردم بگیرد، در نتیجه سوابق کاری و بیوگرافی Joseph Pilato درخشانتر خواهد شد. مثلا اثری که در بیوگرافی Joseph Pilato بیشترین امتیاز را از مردم گرفته است، فیلم Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn محسوب میشود و اثری که در بیوگرافی Joseph Pilato کمترین امتیاز را گرفته است، فیلم Someone's Knocking at the Door محسوب میشود.
اگر در مورد بیوگرافی Joseph Pilato نکات بیشتری میدانید حتما برای ما ارسال کنید تا کمکی بزرگ به همه مخاطبان و طرفداران Joseph Pilato کرده باشید. مثلا اگر اطلاعاتی دقیقتر در مورد بیوگرافی Joseph Pilato، آثار Joseph Pilato، جوایز Joseph Pilato، همکاران Joseph Pilato، گالری عکس Joseph Pilato، قد Joseph Pilato، وزن Joseph Pilato، رنگ چشم Joseph Pilato، وضعیت تأهل و همسر Joseph Pilato، فرزندان Joseph Pilato، حواشی Joseph Pilato و کودکی Joseph Pilato میدانید حتما برای ما ارسال کنید.
نمایش بیشتر
اضافه کردن اثر به سوابق Joseph Pilato
بیوگرافی / زندگینامه Joseph Pilato
Born in the Italian section of East Boston to a hardworking Italian family (his father was professional trombonist with the Les Brown Orchestra), Pilato admits that his flair for performing was discovered quite by accident, when he became an alter boy. Still, it wasn't until his college years that he took the big step towards honing his love for performance into a craft. Unfortunately, once he got there, he realized that his only points of reference for law were those found on television and film. He realized quickly that he didn't want to be a lawyer, so much as he wanted to PLAY a lawyer. Acting classes followed at Emerson College and Suffolk University, in Boston, and soon he was on stage with such notable troupes as Boston Repertory Theatre, Stage One Theatre Company and Reality Theatre. Though the progression seems almost natural, he still credits both religion and law as his main influences for taking the big leap of faith. Savagely bitten by the acting bug, the fledgling actor made his way to New York City, where he was an original member of the Working Theatre, studying with such luminaries as Joe Chalkin, Kristin Linklatter and Peter Kass. It was while in New York that he also began his collaboration with Jersey Growtowski's Polish Laboratory Theatre. In the late 70s, Pilato relocated to Pittsburgh, where he was a resident actor with the Pittsburgh Public Theatre and the Three Rivers Shakespeare Festival. He also picked up a few gigs as an acting coach at local colleges. His career took an upswing when he became a member of the Pittsburgh Film Family and consequently met the Godfather of cult cinema, George A. Romero. As odd as it may seem for a theatrically trained actor to pair up with a filmmaker of Romero's stature, the match appeared to be a heavenly one. Pilato's first role, a small part in 'Dawn Of The Dead' (as a police officer), led to yet another small part in 'Knight Riders' (as a disgruntled fair worker), alongside Ed Harris, followed closely by his signature role as Captain Rhodes in 'Day Of The Dead.' In fact, it's his memorable death scene that really grabbed the attention of fans. Since that auspicious "debut," Pilato's resume has grown over the years to include roles in Ron Howard's 'Gung Ho,' Charlie Peter's 'Music From Another Room,' and Quentin Tarantino's 'Pulp Fiction' (as Dean Martin), as well as such cult fare as Bob Kurtzman's 'The Demolitionist' and 'Wishmaster,' 'Alienators,' 'The Ghouls,' 'Last Seduction' and Zebediah de Soto's 'Wardog.' His voiceover work includes that of Metal Greymon in the children's animated series, 'Digimon.' It's also a little known fact that Pilato was in the original trailer for the low-budget version of Tarantino's 'From Dusk Til Dawn,' where he can be seen wearing the infamous black suit, white shirt, and black tie, which later became a Tarantino trademark in such films as 'Reservoir Dogs' and the afore-mentioned 'Pulp Fiction.' Even so, he's never forgotten the role that made him famous and can often be seen at conventions, signing autographs and talking to enthusiastic fans about his experiences on the film. Ask him what his favorite roles to date have been, however, and you may be surprised. Though Captain Rhodes will always be near and dear to his heart, he waxes nostalgic about his roles as a professional Christmas caroler at Gimbel's Department Store in Pittsburgh, where he founded the Dickens Carolers, and as a stand-in for Robert DeNiro in 'The Deer Hunter.'
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